Are you opportunistic or strategic in your approach to business? Are you building valuable assets and sustaining your growth over time, or are you act...
For existing customers, you simply need to explain, confidently, and without any fluff. Make it clear that it’s just a ‘change’, rather than an ‘incre...
A customer’s decision to buy from you will depend on how much their issue, problem, or desire is affecting their life. You can’t trick them into buyin...
What do you need to earn in order to have financial security? Everyone has a different number, depending on their lifestyle, their needs, their ambiti...
It would be impossible to plan a route to a destination without knowing what that destination is. It is also impossible to achieve what you want or ne...
Trying to apply cost-plus pricing as a service business means trying to calculate the cost of your time and trying to define your worth in terms of ho...
When you’re “the only available option”, for something the client intensely wants, you have the makings of a business to give you a lifestyle those wh...
Yes, money is a concern for a lot of people right now. But it's not a concern for everyone. Or at least, not to the extent that they can't afford to c...
The key is to understanding your clients' REAL problems. And their real problems at THAT moment in time. Which often, are the problems that they don’t...